Maia Ettinger
is a seventh grader at Shady Hill School and is thrilled to return to the stage at WFT@BU. Favorite credits include: Cassidy (Appropriate); Make Way for Ducklings (WFT@BU); Matilda (WFT@BU); James and the Giant Peach (WFT@BU); The Little Mermaid (Reagle Music Theater); Brigitta (The Sound of Music); Wednesday (The Addams Family); JoJo (Newsies); and Amanda Thripp (Matilda). In addition to performing, Maia also enjoys the technical side of theater. She recently was the Stage Manager for her school’s performance of Into The Woods JR. In her free time, Maia enjoys singing, tap dancing, writing, drawing, watercoloring, taking her dog for walks, and hanging out with friends. Maia would like to thank her vocal/acting/dance coaches, her friends, her teachers, and her family for supporting her and a special thank you to everyone at WFT@BU for this opportunity!